Welcome to February, pretty pink month of hearts and flowers and boxes of chocolates. Little rebel that I am, I was not going to go that route. I was going to write about something else! No sappy romance here!! Not that there’s anything wrong with hearts and flowers and boxes of chocolates, mind you. Not that I’m not as delighted by romance as the next person. I just hated to be that predictable.

And Romance, fun as it is, can be a bit ephemeral. Lovely while it’s here, but it doesn’t really have staying power. It ebbs and flows.

So I close my eyes, clear, ground, and centre myself, pull the card of the month … and I get … the King of Cups.

Hmph. Guess we’ll be talking about emotions, then, won’t we?

This is the King, though. This is not the Page – now there’s your capital-R Romance card, gentle and starry-eyed, in love with love. This is not the Knight, either, that intense, volatile and so-sexy Bad Boy (or Girl!).  This is the King. Like the Queen, he has his emotional shit together. He loves, he gives, from a place of strength. Unlike the younglings of the suit, he doesn’t need love and romance to validate him, and yet, somehow, he’s never short of love. He draws people to him like a magnet. Who doesn’t want to be around someone so full of confident peace, emotional awareness and stability, love and strength?

In this month of heart and flowers, any of us who are not in a fresh-as-a-daisy romance might feel a little left out in the cold. The court cards in this suit remind us that love comes in different flavours – tender, romantic, lusty, passionate, nurturing, grounded, balanced … brand new, and decades old. Open to everyone, regardless of gender, body type, age, or orientation.

The King, he reminds us that the most mature and lasting love arises from within. And when we have it, we will attract that kind of love to ourselves.

Love yourself, know your worth, and the right kind of love will come to you. And if it doesn’t come right away, you’re content to wait because you love yourself.

Love yourself!

Now there’s a Valentine Attitude with staying power. Let’s be Kings for the month!