Entries by jennifer

Rituals for all!

    I am becoming a huge fan of ritual. I think the human psyche needs it. Even if you think you don’t have any rituals, I’ll bet you do. The way you don’t really feel your weekend has begun until you’ve read the “City” section of the local newspaper, perhaps, or how you always […]


Feelings and Decision-making

I began life with a strong prejudice in the direction of logical rationality. Ok, I didn’t begin it there. I am quite sure I was as emotion-and-ego-driven a two-year-old as any other. But as long as I’ve capable of thinking about what I’m thinking, I’ve trusted my brain more than my emotions. I have a […]

5 of Cups

The Five of Cups speaks to loss. We’ve all experienced that this past year. It won’t magically stop because we’ve turned a page on the calendar, nor even because we’ve begun a new calendar entirely. Nope. We’re still dealing with the loss. Each of us have experienced different kinds of loss. Some of us have […]

Nine of Wands

Well, it’s not a festive card, but there’s no doubt it’s appropriate to the times. It’s that time when you’re feeling put upon, battered, beleaguered. You’ve fought the good fight … and it’s still not done! You’ve built your protective fortress, but you’re still taking some knocks. You are weary. Sound about right, for December, […]