Retiring into … Passion!
I have never seen myself as a particularly passionate person. (That, it emerges, is absolutely false, a mis-understanding of myself caused by attitudes to emotions learned in childhood, and all the resulting choices made on the foundations of…

You Never Stop Growing
In this month where the theme is supposed to be love and pleasure, I am going to start by talking about abuse and woundedness. I have set aside the post I had intended for this week in order to use this one. It feels right. (For those of you…

Being You
I have a poor memory. Lists are a way of life – and I like them! I like ordering my thoughts to make that list. I like ticking things off the list as they are completed. I like adding extras, things that didn’t make it onto the list, but…

Moving from ‘Should’ to ‘Could’
Some while back I read an article which suggested that, when we are setting goals for ourselves, we move from thinking “I should” to “I could”.
I tried it out. My ‘should’ was easy to find: “I should get more exercise.” It’s…

All that you are
The Hierophant and The Fool are good role models for two very different approaches to a journey. The Hierophant is the planner. This one makes list, has goals, itineraries, agendas. He/she is very clear on when they have achieved…

Death, Life, Growth
Most days, first thing in the morning, I pull three cards for myself. The first card represents me, my energy for the day.
Yesterday, that card was Death.
If this were a movie, there would have been a sweep of loud, ominous music. I’d…

Feelings and Decision-making
I began life with a strong prejudice in the direction of logical rationality. Ok, I didn’t begin it there. I am quite sure I was as emotion-and-ego-driven a two-year-old as any other. But as long as I’ve capable of thinking about what I’m…

On Being ‘Old’
"Oh, you're not old!"
I'm ringing my purchases through at the local pharmacy. The sweet young thing at the till, probably a teenager, strenuously objects to some casual remark I'd made about being old. She thinks she's being kind…

‘Too much’ is your strength!
I am a member of the Biddy Tarot community, a lovely place for those interested in all things Tarot and intuition. Recently, I received this email, which was just so perfect for me -- and for you, my lovely dream readers! -- I had to share.…