9 of Swords, reversed
Oof, this is a tough one. 9 of Swords. It’s about regret, shame, pain, dread … those dreary, weighted things which keep you up at night.
No one is immune. We’ve all had our dark night of the soul, that time when there just don’t seem…

King of Cups
Welcome to February, pretty pink month of hearts and flowers and boxes of chocolates. Little rebel that I am, I was not going to go that route. I was going to write about something else! No sappy romance here!! Not that there’s anything wrong…

5 of Cups
The Five of Cups speaks to loss. We’ve all experienced that this past year. It won’t magically stop because we’ve turned a page on the calendar, nor even because we’ve begun a new calendar entirely. Nope. We’re still dealing with the…

Nine of Wands
Well, it’s not a festive card, but there’s no doubt it’s appropriate to the times.
It’s that time when you’re feeling put upon, battered, beleaguered. You’ve fought the good fight … and it’s still not done! You’ve built…

2 of Swords
From left to right: Mucha Tarot, Pagan Tarot, Everyday Tarot, Thelema Tarot
This is a card many people find worrisome when it appears for them, but I’ve always really liked it. Part of that is the artwork for the card in my favourite…

9 of Pentacles
From left to right: The EveryDay Tarot, the Mucha Tarot, and the Radiant Ryder-Waite-Smith Tarot
Oh, what a great card for October! October, harvest-time, moving from the slower pace of summer to the routines of fall. The…