Spring, Healing, New Beginnings
Spring! Late spring now. It’s well established, where I live. In early spring here, there is still snow. Brave little snowdrop and crocuses do appear, sometimes pushing through earth, newly visible in spots between snow, sometimes pushing…

You Never Stop Growing
In this month where the theme is supposed to be love and pleasure, I am going to start by talking about abuse and woundedness. I have set aside the post I had intended for this week in order to use this one. It feels right. (For those of you…

Tarot and Self-Care
As is not uncommon with menopausal women, I struggle with insomnia. I can fall asleep, no problem; I just don't reliably stay asleep. As a result, many days I function adequately, but not optimally. Afternoons are droopy, and evenings non-existent.…

Feelings and Decision-making
I began life with a strong prejudice in the direction of logical rationality. Ok, I didn’t begin it there. I am quite sure I was as emotion-and-ego-driven a two-year-old as any other. But as long as I’ve capable of thinking about what I’m…

On Being ‘Old’
"Oh, you're not old!"
I'm ringing my purchases through at the local pharmacy. The sweet young thing at the till, probably a teenager, strenuously objects to some casual remark I'd made about being old. She thinks she's being kind…