Seven of Pentacles: Seeing it through
The Seven of Pentacles is a work-in-progress card. Work, and balance of energies.
The seven speaks to those times in a project where you stop to celebrate the progress you've made so far, and gauge how much work is ahead of you. It's an encouraging…

Two of Swords – Decisions, Decisions
Who hasn't had the Two of Swords experience? You have a decision to make. You've considered the pros and cons, you've weighed and balanced and looked at the thing from all angles. And you Just.Can't.Decide. You are stuck. Stucker than stuck.

Death, Life, Growth
Most days, first thing in the morning, I pull three cards for myself. The first card represents me, my energy for the day.
Yesterday, that card was Death.
If this were a movie, there would have been a sweep of loud, ominous music. I’d…

9 of Swords, reversed
Oof, this is a tough one. 9 of Swords. It’s about regret, shame, pain, dread … those dreary, weighted things which keep you up at night.
No one is immune. We’ve all had our dark night of the soul, that time when there just don’t seem…

Rituals for all!
I am becoming a huge fan of ritual. I think the human psyche needs it. Even if you think you don’t have any rituals, I’ll bet you do. The way you don’t really feel your weekend has begun until you’ve read the “City”…

King of Cups
Welcome to February, pretty pink month of hearts and flowers and boxes of chocolates. Little rebel that I am, I was not going to go that route. I was going to write about something else! No sappy romance here!! Not that there’s anything wrong…