
Resilience and Determination

For the month of January, we’ve been exploring approaches to growth and self-improvement. On this final Monday in the month, I decided to pull a card and see what the Tarot had to say about this theme.

We want to be fuller, richer, happier people. We want to discover who we really are, and then be aligned with that. We want to focus on what we could do with our lives, not burden ourselves with unnecessary ‘shoulds’.

How do we do that?

For that question, we got the 9 of Wands.

This card speaks to determination. Resilience. Persisting when things get tough. Resisting the urge to give up in the face of discouragement.

Well, that’s all pretty on point, I’d say!

So, when seeking to make life changes, be aware it’s not going to happen overnight. It won’t happen in a straight line, either. You’ll ebb and flow, full of passion and confidence one day, discouraged the next. But so long as you are taking one small step at a time, you are making progress.

The nine of Wands encourages us to know our goal and focus on it, keep moving towards it, no matter how incrementally. Align with our passion, resist the discouragement, know that, too, is part of the process.

Want to make real changes in your life? Just keep trying. You can do it!