Our Material Selves
Here we are in the second quarter of the year. Spring is springing, where I live. The snow is mostly gone, the temperatures are petty consistently above freezing, and precipitation is more likely to be rain than snow. In these parts, we call…

C’mon, it’ll be good for you!
A friend gives you a gift. Do you receive it with expressions of happiness, compliment the beautiful wrapping, open it with care (or tear into it with eager enthusiasm!), exclaim over the rightness, the thoughtfulness, the pleasure of the gift,…

You Never Stop Growing
In this month where the theme is supposed to be love and pleasure, I am going to start by talking about abuse and woundedness. I have set aside the post I had intended for this week in order to use this one. It feels right. (For those of you…

Happy February!
Two quick questions:
What do you think of when you think ‘February’?
What colour springs to mind?
I’m betting the answer to the first question was “Valentine’s day”, and the second was either pink or red. It’s as if…

Aspirations + Resolutions
All those of you who made resolutions: have you already broken them? All of them? Some? I’m betting a lot of you have.
New Year’s Resolutions. Last week we considered approaching the new year with the attitude of the Fool rather than…

Tarot and Self-Care
As is not uncommon with menopausal women, I struggle with insomnia. I can fall asleep, no problem; I just don't reliably stay asleep. As a result, many days I function adequately, but not optimally. Afternoons are droopy, and evenings non-existent.…