Retiring into … Passion!
I have never seen myself as a particularly passionate person. (That, it emerges, is absolutely false, a mis-understanding of myself caused by attitudes to emotions learned in childhood, and all the resulting choices made on the foundations of…

Resilience and Determination
For the month of January, we’ve been exploring approaches to growth and self-improvement. On this final Monday in the month, I decided to pull a card and see what the Tarot had to say about this theme.
We want to be fuller, richer, happier…

Moving from ‘Should’ to ‘Could’
Some while back I read an article which suggested that, when we are setting goals for ourselves, we move from thinking “I should” to “I could”.
I tried it out. My ‘should’ was easy to find: “I should get more exercise.” It’s…

Aspirations + Resolutions
All those of you who made resolutions: have you already broken them? All of them? Some? I’m betting a lot of you have.
New Year’s Resolutions. Last week we considered approaching the new year with the attitude of the Fool rather than…

All that you are
The Hierophant and The Fool are good role models for two very different approaches to a journey. The Hierophant is the planner. This one makes list, has goals, itineraries, agendas. He/she is very clear on when they have achieved…

New Year, New Plans, New Ideas
Happy (almost) New Year! It’s a mild day here (-5C), and there’s not a lot of snow, but it’s certainly winter. Isn’t it weird how our new year starts in the dead of winter? Here in the northern hemisphere, at any rate; in the southern…